So today I ran the furthest I have ever run in my entire life. 20 miles. Previous to this my longest run was 2 weeks ago and that was 15.5 miles. It was a 3 loop course. 6 miles in each loop and in the last loop I added on 2 miles. It was hard. The first loop was great. I have been running 2 minutes and walking 1 minute. This is what I have found helps keep my hips in tact. Running longer than 2 minutes is too much pounding. However I have been averaging 12:30 minute miles even with this much walking. I've come to accept that I am slow. Slower than almost everyone else in my group- especially when it comes to running. The worst part is that I don't have anyone around to talk to. Most everyone else runs about the same pace so they run in a pack and chit chat the entire time. That's ok. Part of me really likes running alone- and even prefers it. Then I don't have to worry about if I am going too slow and that people are slowing down just to be with me. I usually end up running faster when I'm with others and then I get hurt. So back to my run.
Loop 1- the first 6 miles
It was a small group of us running today. XXX, Hairy, Rainbow Bit**, Ken, and the twins. Dianne started with us but went a different route. We started out and it was dark and cold. Yes, 60 degrees is cold. I had my long sleeve shirt on. It was nice. Loop 1 was pretty uneventful.
Loop 2- mile 7-12
My right hip started hurting. This is normal. Half way through Kristen and Desiree rode past me on Narcoosse and stopped. They asked me how far I still had left to go. I jsut stood there and couldn't think of a number. All I could muster was, "A really long way." They laughed and said I was already sounding delerious. That was prolly the truth. They drove off. I was later informed that they pulled up to Hairy and asked her why she deserted me. This is a joke because Hairy normally runs slow next to me (even though she is a speed demon). Around mile 10 my right hip really started to hurt. It felt like it was going to snap (like it did for real a couple of months ago)and then I was out for a month. I learned my lesson from that so I stopped and walked for about 10 minutes. Luckily it started hurting less so I just kept on.
Loop 3- mile 13-20
I hadn't seen anyone in a really long time. Mile 13-16 felt pretty good. I ran into Hairy and XXX. They were doing great. RB was doing good too- she picked up a friend and was running next to her. I got honked at by some people. I'm sure i knew them but I couldn't tell who they were. Instead, they just scared the crap out of me. Mile 17-20 I saw Hairy drive past me in her van like 6 times!! She was out picking up the water stops. That lady is hilarious. EVerytime I saw her she was waving frantically out her van window. Hairy is like the Sunday run mom. She is always out making sure everyone has water and is still alive. She swears it is "her job". Too funny. :)
AFter 4 hrs and 38 minutes I was done. This included 3 potty stops, food stop for pbj and a coke, massaging my foot for 10 minutes by the side of the road.
It is now 9pm and the only thing that hurts is my foot. It's bruised. Hopefully some naproxen, ice, ace bandage and sleep will cure it. I guess it is pretty common. Oh well. No worries. :)
I am now ready. 12 more days. Lookout IMFL, here I come!
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